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Homemakers Out There, You Guys Rock!!!
Sorry everyone for not being able to write lately. I keep telling myself that "tonight I am Going to write" but by the time Ryan is settled, I will be so extremely tired that I also get myself "settled". I am one of those people that loves to write and be it on paper or on the comp, I find writing very relaxing and such a stress buster. This past 2 weeks has been extremely taxing. With my teaching, housework I just do not have space for anything else. On top of that Alief is having his Final Year End Exam and I was busy coaching him.
Like today, I am home alone with the Kids. Mak is in KL and My Adlil went riding with his Harley Buddies to watch the Sepang Motor GP and some other things in between. That's him having his ME time. However, the weather is not too good and I will be here at home worried sick like I usually do when he goes for these day trips as it is tiring and the weather now is no help either. I would usually wait up and will only be able to sleep only when he is safe home. He'll tell be sharing it with all of you soon. He has been extremely busy with work and especially the kids. He has been wanting to write and says that he has been too busy and tired by the end of the day. Oh Yes, I was also busy helping him putting things together organizing things around for his office. I had fun doing it since I know he's very proud of his office. Now, his office is all set up and ready to go. That I will leave to him to talk about his new office. Donno what I will do without him, its amazing how he manages to keep everything together. I love him to bits for that.
My utmost respect to all the Homemakers out there, especially to our non working mothers. Now, I know that the work of a homemaker is so much under rated. Really guys, it is a lot of hardwork and patience. Amazing!! Hats off to all maidless homemakers. Honestly, since my maid is out of the picture, I appreciate homemakers who function without maids. I appreciate what they are doing and their hard work. Mind you, its not and easy task, putting it together and still regain your sanity at the end of the day. Homemakers are really under rated and under appreciated. People tend to think that a Homemaker's job is easy, very Tai Tai like, lepak at home, go pick up the kids, cook, go to the Spa (NOT!!), and lil bit of this and that. How bad can it be compared to an accountant's, engineer's job. At least for these jobs you do not work 24-7, but a Homemaker is on 'standby' 24-7, its more complex n taxing than you could ever imagine possible. Being a house wife is like any other profession. If you want it to work you need to run it like a well oiled machine. Which includes every element I need to feel like I am functioning at my best, I try really hard though being a part time homemaker (coz I still work what for 3 days a week) and boy it is not easy being a Home Operations Manager, mummy and wife. Still I consider myself lucky having my mum around and Adlil who are so much of help. Life is not so dandelife. Some days I say I can't complain and other days I think I feel miserable. A lot of moments during some of the days are good and I believe that we need to try to make it good or life becomes meaningless.
Just to share with all of you; yesterday, I had an interesting chat with my very very olddddd schoolmate. We practically went to 11 years of school together. It has been like donkey years since I last spoke or even met her. What started off as a what seems to be like a casual chat as she wanted to get someone to do up a 3D cake like what Ryan had for his 1st Birthday, went on for an hour or so. She use to practice medicine but quit her job as she couldn't get anyone reliable to take care of her toddlers. It was interesting to hear her daily run down of her schedule and she's not really having it easy with her kids and now she says the only time she goes out of the house is to perform "children related chores". How true, when you are a full time Homemaker, your life revolves around the chores, kids and the home. Regaining sanity is pretty absurd!! Thank god I make a point to have some ME time doing my thingy and hanging out with my friends every now and then just to unwind and get away from the routine. Kudos to all homemakers around the world!! No matter how people think you job is easy, I can vouch against that.
I am up for a really busy week with Alief's exams and work. I will also be busy with coaching Qyra who will sit for her Primary One streaming exam, her Art Class exam and her Final Year End Concert which she has been practising so hard on. As for myself, I have also some writing that is long overdue to complete, which I have been procrastinating not because I am lazy but because I cannot find the time to really sit down and do it. Now I wish that there are more hours in a day. I still have a pile of laundry waiting to be folded and organized. Sigh....Here's to a crazy week ahead guys..
i baca aje dah penat... kudos to you too!
wakakakakaka..same le..i pon pnat..da la xde illustrations or pix utk ko selang seli dgn cite ko yg mcm essay pekse SPm ni..wakakaka..nyway,mmg la sape yg leh jadi suri rumah sepenuh mase mmg champion..ko leh imagine x mak dulu?amek anta kite skool..dala lain2 session..tuition la..masak complete meal..jaga tok ne lg..mmg champion kan..sure dulu die nk termuntah wat sume 2..kite main order jek ek..ishk..skang aku sgt paham as we grow wiser ni u mak..XOXO
Alaaaa aku nak cepat la Na, tak smpt nak post pictures. Aaa tu aku dah letak so give u a breather to read ok. Aku nak kencing pun kekdg tak smpt beb.
Naj - stress reliever la babe... la menarek..lg2 dgn gambo si bobo yg cumel...aku de mende nk ckp ngn ko..sok aku tepon..ishk..
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