Blissfully Exciting. That is how I sum up my marriage of 11 years. Today is our 11th Year Anniversary. Pewhh, how time flies, 11 years my friends and still going strong. I guess when your hubby is more than just a hubby, its a different journey all together. Adlil has been my best friend, my staunch supporter, my gossip buddy, my number one fan, my shoulder to cry on, my pillar of everything.
We have been through hell and back and that is without a doubt. Some people are even amazed on how tight we are even after all these years. I myself believe that a marriage that does not go through stormy weather and is a smooth sail all the way - really not my definition of an intense, tight solid marriage. No element of adventure, not my cup of tea. We both have always been the one that are more of a go getter type so my marriage of 11 years has been all that. Full of adventure and love..
I guess what makes my marriage life so blissful is that Adlil and I share the same passion and we take time to appreciate each other, share the same interest, take the initiative to learn and understand each other and take pride in each other's leisure pursuit. We are also ardent fans of each other, we support each other's infactuation. Our love for each other is so strong and keeps getting stronger as day goes by..So you know how intense we are towards each other..
I really consider myself as being blessed having a husband as supportive, loving and tolerant as Adlil. I'm amazed at how much he believes in my talent and capabilities, more than I could ever imagine. He never stops me from exploring and to him the sky is the limit for me. He constantly encourages me and has always raise my spirits. He has faith in me more than I do most of the time. He never fails to make me feel how special I am.
For the past 11 years, Adlil has taught me to believe in myself and has showered me with unconditional love. He is and will always be my hero. His tolerance level with me is just amazing. He has taught me the real meaning of life and appreciating what you have thus enjoying the moment as it comes. That you need to believe in yourself and your instinct to make everything work which is so true.
Thank you for being such a wonderful Papa to our 3 kids. You have been great in being a Papa who tries his utmost best to always be there for them and catching them when they fall. You try so hard to keep everything together and trust me, you have succeeded in doing so. You are indeed a great father to our children and we could not ask for more.
Honne, thank you for giving me the best 11 years of my life and I love you more than you could ever imagine. We are destined for eternity and forever is where we are heading. Thanks for all that you have done for me and you are my eternal soulmate. I thank my lucky stars that I hav you for keeps. My love for you is rock solid and I am so lucky to have you to wake up next to every morning and that puts a smile on my face. Looking foward to more happening years to come for the both of us.
A lil something for you, straight from the heart...
Adlil, you do not know how thankful I am;To be sharing a lifetime with you,
You are my pillar of strength,
I remember the times that you've been there for me
And I see how your care, love and wisdom
Have helped me through
I look back on all the times we had spent together,
The tears, laughter, happiness sorrow,
Reminds me how much we have always meant
For each other, always and forever,
Honne, I love you more than life; you are my life
Happy 11th Anniversary Sayang..
Here's to's to forever...
ekekekekeke...sappy hopelessly romantic ler 2..ahaks..hope u guys will grow old,haggard,kerepot 2gether..huhuhuhu...happy u guys 2 bits..
happy anniversary to my only BIL (at the moment...hint...hint...mak chu)n my adik....may both of u have many more wonderful years to both of u always...kak shasha n all
aik?xpasal2 aku plak yg usual menjd bahan kutukan kakak2ku..huhuhu...doakan la yek cpt kaye..leh kawen cpt..amen..
btw,check out my new blog blog on my landscaping if anyone of u are interested in revamping ur boring landscape,feel free to drop by my blog..
tlg promote..nyeh..nyeh..nyeh..
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