We thank our lucky stars that Alief turned out to be a good boy. He is doing so much better in school (although I know he can do better) but I am more than happy to see how he has grown into a well mannered boy. I have learnt to keep my expectations towards him on a moderate level. I use to get so frustrated if he didn't do well in his exams but bow I know that by doing so, I am putting unnecessary pressure on him and that's not fair. He has overcomed his shyness and now he is able to be more upfront, takes the initiative to make friends rather than waiting for people to initiate the conversation first. Before, he use to have some much difficulties adapting to change and would resist any change in his routine. Now, he has outgrown all that, he has grown to be much more confident with himself.
I am glad that he is a boy who can tolerate and understand things more. For example, last month, his Papa bought this Power Rangers Action Figure. He knew it was for him but because we said that he needs to revise for his exams first, he didn't even attempt to open it although he looks at the packaging everyday after school. He told his sister that I cannot open it because Mama and Papa didn't say that I could open it. One thing that I must say we did pretty well in raising him is the fact that if he wanted something - like a toy or something, we have taught him that you have to earn it if he wants it. N if we said that we need not buy the toy or his games gadgets, he understands and he'll always say, its ok, we can get it next time. Even when he was a lil bambino, he wouldn't throw tantrums, if he didn't get the toy that he wanted. Even if we bought for him toys he would NEVER open it up untill he reached home, eventhough the journey was from KL to JB. Some of my friends are amazed with Alief's strong discipline, tolerance and willpower. Sometimes when he is with me, I would sometime baby him and that is when he would tell me his problems in school and etc. We still have our Mama and Alief time where he'll open up to me and that's very refreshing. He has a small heart and will get teary eye once in a while but I guess that's ok although sometimes he is a bit "gembeng". Well, I tell myself, its ok for him to be like that, I hope he'll outgrow that stage soon. He loves to play computer games, game boy, Taekwondo - he's pretty good at it and now he loves go karting. He is such an easy boy to please. Simpliest things in life makes him contented.
Alief, Mama wants you to know how proud I am of your progress and how you turned out to be. I love you more than life and I want you to know that Mama will always be there for you. Happy 10th Birthday Alief Daniel!! You'll always be Mama's lil boy.
Hi alief!
Happy birthday from mak long, ayah, afi, marlin, aymil n milena. You deserve everything for u are such a special boy. We love u so......much.
Nanti kita jumpa k minggu depan?
Love, Mak Long
P/S : Dik, kakak 4ever suka gila yang alip baca kan buku utk ayen. Ayen, sume gambar muka busy......
happy birthday mat alip..may u grow up 2 be someone wise n brave so that you can help mama,papa n ne n adiks....love u so much...
happy belated birthday to alief! err,, mesti dia lagi tinggi dari aku kan..eii terasa sgt comell.. kihkihkih..
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