Yesterday and today, Alhamdullilah the weather has been good. That's good news since it has been raining in JB since the 1st Day of Ramadhan. we in the Harfy Household loves the sun because for Papa, it is a good day to go riding and dry the clothes, for the kids it means that they have a shot of going to the park or doing something outdoors. As for me, it is just a swell day to do housework. God, I have piles to fold..Sunny days are just nice!!
Yesterday, since everyone knows that we are maidless and Mak is not in town, we had to send our 3 Bambinos to my B-I-L's house over at Setia Indah. Adlil had work and I had class till 5pm. I was at first kinda anxious especially with Ryan not being with either one of us. The last time he was left with other people than Ne', it was with Mak Long, my big sister, when we went shopping at Ikea for the new house. Nevertheless, she's an O-TAI, 4 kids ok and still preserving her sanity. However, I gave myself some allowance to just let go for a while coz I know my B-I-L, T Rex and S-I-L are really great with my kids. True enough, Ryan was at his best behaviour in the span of 3 hours or so without any fuss or incidental mishaps. We are currently waiting for a new maid, which we can only get after Raya, till then the Harfy Bunch just has to just make do.
After berbuka and solat, we went to TESCO Plentong. I just love buying provision is TESCO. Cheaper, More Choices and I just feel comfortable with overall setting of the place. Whether people realize it or not, whether it is really visible, we are actually going through a hard time, a semi recession I would call it. The buying power of Johorean is getting weaker, that much I can see. If you see a trolley load of stuff, they are likely to be S'poreans or buying for business. But normal people like me, would just buy what is needed not what we want anymore. I observe that even Raya shopping has taken a strange shift. In general, people of JB, are not buying like they use to coz generally is just not possible with the current cost of living despite the petrol going down. Being lavish is just not possible nowadays. Let me share this with you, this year is the first time that I find it so difficult to get a job. Honestly, especially here in JB. They will give me crap like we can't pay you, you are over-qualified bla bla. In the Classified section, I can now barely find work suitable with my experiences, qualifications in general unlike before in JB. Kl is a diffrent story, coz I am here n I am staying for good. A friend of mine who works in a reknowned recruitment company told me that the pattern nowadays is a bit alarming. Even for a clerical post, from a small time Ah Leong company, they will have at least 1000 applicant for ONE MISERABLE post. That shows!!!

Today we would probably have buka outside. Later after Zuhur, bringing the kids to the library for a while, they want to borrow some books. This may come as a surprise to you guys, but the libraries (we have 2 now i JB...hehehhehe) in JB have an extensive choices of good children books mind you, I was surprised myself. Then after that, we would probably head down to this new Shopping Mall, Danga City Mall, formerly Plaza Best World. Before it was closed down and abandoned for years and now it has been renovated, given a new look. It was opened to the public on the 31st of August '08. The anchor tenant is Metrojaya - wow that should be interesting. Friends of mine said it is quite impressive. You see in JB, we don't have many nice malls so if one emerges, its kinda of a big deal for the Johor folks. I'll go today and update all of you on the new mall. The Kids have been bugging us to go but we have been just too fully occupied that there seems to be not enough hours in a day to be doing everything.
BTW, like to share with this really awesome thing that happened yesterday, Alief managed to put Ryan to sleep last night. I had to do some washing so I left him with abang. I peep through and saw abang singing lullabies and patting Ryan to sleep. Surprisingly, Ryan just lay down quietly looking at the brother, without any sound. Then, they both fell asleep together. Should have caught that one on camera!!
Oppss, its 11.30am, and Ryan's favourite show, Bunnytown is on. So I can do my folding of clothes in peace while he gets excited with the adorable but annoying bunnies. Nevertheless, I think they sing and dance really well for thin and frail looking rabbits whom by rhe way have great sense of dressing. Till then, thanks for the support. Cheerio.
haa..gambo 2 macho skt..w'pun hakikatnye xsemacho mane..huhuhu..wei kak ya..besh ke best world lame 2?happening x?nnti aku lik nxt wik leh g...
wassup with the '"deep" issue about friendship, circle of trust and betrayal.'..fill me in sista.. world dah revamped with a new name n look? sounds too good 2 be thru. dah check it out, ok ke? teringat masa kakak keje maxis tu, lunch kat situ je lah tempatku......
ari jumaat kakak datang, insyaallah. kata nak kirim brg?
My BIL, looks far much macho gambo....ahaks....
akak lik jb friday ni ek?sampai ari pe?nan sape?
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