I've just received the keys to my new office today & things were quite busy with work especially with now that I'm moving in into the new place. Got the paint ready & all. Went to recce some furniture for the office. Did all the measurements needed to set up the office.Tomorrow my boys and I got some serious painting to do, I want to do it with the boys so that we all we get that some sort like a sense of belonging & ownership. We would probably start after terawih & end up till sahur. The new joint is in Setia Indah..might be a bit far from home but at least I will get more mileage on the rides there. So you gotta say that this Ramadhan , will definitely be about getting the new place done before Raya. I will share some moments with the new joint with some pics in the next blog.
Just came back from "Yamca" with some of my biker friends. Initially I was going to meet up Azahary for a drink but ended up meeting with otai Kadir & Brahim in town. They heard us passing pass Jln Tebrau as they were having their drinks. Kadir gave me a call telling me where he was when I stopped at Tmn Sentosa , so we turned back & there we were at this place called LC Catering.
As for the Harfy bunch, Raiyan is getting more clingy to me since I have been more at home during Ramadhan. Alief & Qyra stepped up a ladder in their taekwando grading. After their grading last week Abang now is in Blue belt & Qyra Green 2. Very proud of my warriors in the making.
As for my Yaya well lets say she ended up her day with BIG BANG! While she was getting out from the kids' room downstairs she completely lost her footing trying to aviod little Ryan playing with the laundry basket right in front of the door. The next thing you know kaboom! My Yaya knock her her head against the edge wall. She suffered a cut just above the eye lid. Syukur...that knock didn't hit her straight in the eye. I mean she completely hit herself pretty hard against the edge of the wall, that she was in silence for a minute or so thrying to digest the pain. She's all patched up now & luckily no major stitches were needed..but the doc (who happens to look like Dr Wan Azizah) gave her a jab (Tetanus) on her right arm to prevent the eye from infection. .My Yaya seems to be bumped out and freaked out about the whole thing most especially because the knock will leave a scar on top of her left eye just before Hari Raya. I'm just so thankful that she's alright & no other serious injuries occured.

Tomorrow my S.I.L & B-I-L and their bambinos will be in JB to spend the weekend here & I'll be going balik kampung to visit my mum on Saturday. Gotta say that it will be a busy & fun weekend for the Harfy Bunch.
owh kakakku yg cacat di pg raye...ahaks..ciannye ko..ishk...nasib baik ko yg kene bkn Bobo..nyway,cumel gilers Bobo taruk shades atas pale..congrats 2 abg n pwincess qyra..nnti leh la belasah anak kel**ng yg xmo fren qyra kat skool sbb qyra pandai n pretty..ala beshnye sure mlm td buka sume satu family tanpa aku..sob..sob..aku mebe lik jb sok kot..2 b confirmed..
congrats tu my two anak sedara. jgn taekwondo mak long dah lah. tapi ryan ligat pun mcm org pandai taekwondo....tp dua kali pandang cam pelumba lari....tapi tiga kali pandang cam lompat galah.....semua boleh lah......potential tu dik.....
tapi paling terror sekali ryan boleh buat semua orang melompat dan berlari....haaa....haaa...haaaa.... eeeeiiiii.....geramnya si bobo tu.
loves, kakak
B-I-L..jgn wat lawak spastik lg..xklakar ok...kiteorg yg hypertension....love u+kak ya+bambinos so strong
p/s:mak n kak sha+B-I-L lg satu+bambinos SD gak...
plus abg mate besor..ahaks..
tak pe lah....mcm lagu p.ramlee tuh....sedangkan lidah lagi tergeget.....BIL nasib baik kakak tak antar heli dr kl..... ahaks......
alamak, kesiannnya!
tak pe beb, concealer ada!
take good care when scheming stairways and dodging little tykes...
wah k.intan ek?byk nye blog...
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