First, we would like to apologize for not being able to post new news as much as we want to. We have been really really busy. With the current situation in the Harfy Household. I'll update you on my galavanting escapade last Sunday with the Kids. The new library situated at Jalan Yahya Awal was really great. The Kids and I really had fun. A lot of activities to keep the kids occupied.The collection of books that's available is quite impressive. They have the whole collection of Candice Bushnell, Jeff Archer and a whole lot of other good author. There is even a cafe where one can read and have a cuppa at the same time. Ask Adlil, I was very impressed with the collection, good ones. I could stay there for hours, reading. Borrowed some good books too!! The whole Harfy Bunch has their own library card.
As for the Danga City Mall, hmm, its ok la. Not as what I expected it to be. The Metrojaya is the only consolation for that place. Not many shops are opened. As I observe, roughly only 30% occupied. The Metrojaya is something like the one in Section 14. The othe shops are mostly Ah Lian and Ah Beng apparel shops. There is this "supermarket" concept on the LG Floor called SongMart. It's more of Kulai, Simpang Renggam kinda supermarket but the prices are quite cheap. On the concourse area is mostly shoe stores. I heard the bowling alley is in operation but I didn't get the chance to peep through. There's an optical shop, a few apparel outlets. They have their own (Danga Bay) merchandise shop, where they sell in-house items. They also have like a mini area at the main entrance of the mall, where they promote their Petting Zoo in Danga Bay. We managed to see a parrot, Honey Bear, snake and a tiger..they put up for show and picture taking too. To be honest, there's nothing much to shout about but an effort well applaud for revamping the mall from a white elephant to another variety for Johoreans to shop. However, in my opinion, they need to work on promoting the mall more so that it won't loses it hype. More events should be held there, since they have a lot of space to offer. They should open up more eateries if the want to attract people coz as far as I seen, there's only 2, One Kopitiam and a cafe. I really like The Metrojaya though, it has that KL feel lah..
I haven't been well for the past two days. Me and my migraine, something that I have been carrying with me since I reached puberty. I guess people who have migraine would feel for me. The throbbing pain is just to much to bear when it attacks. It actually "went away" for a couple of years but lately, I have been getting it quite frequently. I hate it when it happens because I just do not like it that I am not able to take control the pain. It takes one person who has migraine to understand the pain that I have to endure.
Believe it or not, time seems to be passing so rapidly. We have undergone 10 days of fasting and Alhamdullilah, everything has gone on well, especially for Abang who has not even once complained or what not coz he seems to enjoy the concept of fasting and the satisfaction of berbuka. `

We will be going back to Beranang on Saturday. Its my M-I-L's birthday this Friday so, we are going back to Kampung to celebrate her birthday and berbuka there. I'll take some pictures of Adlil's Kampung to share with all of you in my post next week. Atmosphere there is very much serene and very relaxing. Really like it there especially for me who never had a Kampung ever before I married Adlil. However, we all agree that being there for long period of time is a bit unproductive. There's not much activity that can one can do there. The "orang kampung" or the villagers there are usually in the range of 50 and above. Too laid back. You do not see people of my age group there unless during Hari Raya. That is when Jalan Enam Kaki becomes busy, Very Happening with the fireworks, noise, colours and all. We would usually just lay back and relax when we are there. My In Laws have 2 Big Mangosteen Trees (there is a history to why Pokok Manggis of all trees which, I'll amuse you on that the next time).
Putrajaya, Kajang & Seremban are some of the neighbouring town, if you need to shop or what not. Nilai Tiga, the much talked about place to shop for materials and curtains n such, is only a 15 minutes drive from Adlil's Kampung, Jalan Enam Kaki. You can get a lot of nice materials and a vast range of materials for Curtains. A few big toy shops and a lot of furniture as well as Car Accessories shop are availabke at Nilai 3. There was once when there was much hype about the place, my 3 S-I-L (Biras) and I will go there almost everyday. There was once we went there 3 times in the same day!!! Each time bringing at least 2-3 plastic bags of stuff.
For those who do not know where on earth Beranang is , Beranang is actually situated at the territory of Selangor as it is the border of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Our Kampung is actually the border that they have set as the border. Next door to our kampung is the Staffield Golf Resort and the infamous Tuanku Ja'afar College (KTJ). You know what, the word Beranang was actually a Negeri Sembilan slang for the word "Berenang". Good lesson learnt today. Got this piece of excerpt from Wikipedia on the history of Beranang -
"Beranang mendapat nama dari loghat Negeri Sembilan yang bermaksud 'berenang'. Enam sahabat yang diketuai oleh Tok Batin Lidah Hitam terpaksa berenang di sebuah sungai yang cetek untuk ke seberang sungai. Malangnya sungai yang disangka cetek rupa-rupanya dalam dan arusnya deras. Setelah Tok Batin Lidah Hitam melepasi Sungai Beranang, air sungai tersebut kering atau cetek. Penduduk sekitarnya tidaklah perlu berenang lagi dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tok Batin Lidah Hitam" - Wikipedia
We will be going back on Saturday after work together with my B-I-L, T-Rex, my S-I-L Maya and our niece, Qysarra. It is also because this year is my turn for Raya, so we ill be celebrating Hari Raya with my Mum in JB but we would probably head up to KL on the second day of Hari Raya or bring Mak for a short trip somewhere probably Melaka or somewhere, still undecided. We'll let you know when we have a confirmed plan.
Furthermore, I have to pick our Baju Raya. For the boys, My M-I-L sewed it for them (without fail ever since I got married to Adlil 11 years ago), but as for me and Qyra we sent it to a tailor there, Yatie Tailor. She's great - cheaper and the workmanship is also very much applaud compared to the prices we get here in JB, sometimes too extravagant.
However, the sad part is my sister, Kak Shasha will be coming back to JB for the weekend. Initially I asked Mackie (Nana) to come back for the weekend to accompany Mak at home but since Kakak will also not be celebrating the 1st Raya in JB, so she's coming back to see Mak before Raya. Such a shame that I won't be home when you back Kak. So I guess Mackie will come back next week right sis?
That's all from me, Adlil hopes to be blogging tonight or tomorrrow. Poor soul, he has been extremely busy with work, helping around the house n the Kids and arrangements to move to his new office. I'll leave it to him to fill you guys in on that. I'll share you with some pictures of our weekend in Beranang ok because a lot of people have been asking me where in the world it is and what is it like. No worries, will do so soon.
BTW, I would like to wish my sistas - Nawal & Ray, Happy Birthday Babes and Hope You'll Have A Swell Birthday Celebration. Muah Muah..Love you guys!!

bodo nye blogspot..penat aku tulis tetibe error..wei..aku nk g library 2..mcm besh jek..aku skang tiap2 minggu bishkn uit beli book..aku br li chasing harry winston..xbesh lgsung..lembap..membazir uit jek..at least kalau pinjam xde la ralat sgt..hmm..migraine???tell me bout it la kan..i have 2 put up wit abg mata bulat's etime die migraine..ngn moody,ngn skt..sabo je la..at leaast ko kalu skt diam or paling kuat pon wat muke grumpy bear ko 2 kn..hhuhuhuhu..aku xsure la lik jb ke x sbb mcm aku txtd ko la..kalau ok aku lik..kalau x..next week kot..byk kije arg..nk cr uit raye..wei..ko nye tailor mek tempah bj lg x?kalau de aku nk tempah..buley ke?huhuhu..biasela aku kan..suke procrastinate..lalalla..kat kl sume xmo mek da..tensi..kak sha lik jb ari jumaat kn..ingt nk lik gak la..tapi....
ye la babe, boring la lu tak de. tak de kaki nak merayap. tapi tak per la....balik pun jap jer.
mcm best la library tu. nanti kalau balik jb nak bawak afi n marlin lah. aymil n milena takut lak terbalik library tu....ahaks...........
loves, kakak
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