Here you must be thinkin when will I ever get enough on my iron horse Harley? Love it or hate it... as I always say to these people that cant take the noise generated from my Phyton3 exhaust.
We as Harley riders should consider ourselves lucky that the authorities doesn't apply tha EPA ruling in this region. Even if they did I think I would never go for stock pipes. Rule no 1 after getting yourself a Harley...is change your pipes. Harley's has always known for their rumble and believe me that sweet roaring sound didn't come from a stock bike,espeacially the ones with EFI ( fuel injection ).
Well that rumble sure hit the note on my last ride before Ramadhan as I took my Wifey to Desaru to visit an old friend of hers ( Intan ) while she was on a holiday trip from Dubai. A good friend of ours Azmi also tagged along with his wife Hani on his Road King with us. It was 9am, the sun was bright & I knew it was gonna be a great ride. I've always been a great admirer for the trunk roads rather than the boring highways. I mean who the hell wants to have the same fuckin views for a ride? I know u might say that on a freeway the roads are wider & its safer....,but the thrills & challenge for a motorists is definately pressance on these winding & tricky roads.
We arrived at The Pulai ( the place where Intan was staying ) at around 11am & she was already there waiting for us at the lobby. I'm sure the loud rumbling pipes from our Harley's did the job that caught her attention. So we hang out talked, took pictures bla bla bla....& cut 12 years of stories into an hour then it was goodbyes. I was eager to get back on the road as the clouds didn't look the same when we arrived. We were expecting rain but that's not goin to stop our ride. Azmi nearly got into a mishap with another motorist on our back to JB. I was right behind him when it happened....this SOB was in his car swerving left & right behind a bus which we wanted to overtake. While we were about to pass with our passing lights on, this SOB driver came out trying to overtake the bus which caught us by surprise...the SOB then braked & went back behind the bus as there was an incoming vehicle ahead on the opposite side of the road. So what did my friend did what all bikers wouldv'e done,... is showed the middle finger as a sign for fuck off for putting our lives in danger!
It was raining heavily when we reached Kota Tinggi and we stopped for 'ngeteh' & we made our final stop in the wet at BHP petrol in Ulu Tiram before heading home. Its kinda funny that everytime I reached home from a ride, I always have this question in my head as where & when am I going next with my Harley?. Eventhough its the fasting month I couldn't stand there just looking at my Harley parked & not going for long rides. Last year of Ramadhan me & a few guys from our Motoheads MC went to Umbai Melaka twice for buka puasa. I seriously think we should do it again this year guys & this time around, I would like to see some of our fellow bikers from KL to join us as well.
Thank you Desaru for the great scenic roads. To Azmi & Hani tq for tagging along.
Let's ride.........
da dapat bibik br ke lom???aku pon tgh cr kan ni..
when r u coming back 4 buka puasa??? or could you coming home next friday coz mak's 59th bday is on 12th sept... bring ur harley and let ayah ride with mak... hehehe... ayah will sure like it... but mak...(:-???? when i read about ur vulcan... it reminds me something... guess what??? i slept while u ride!!!... oklaa... angah... just wanna let u know that i always love u... my dear bro.... i'll support in everything that u do... i'm happy that you're doing very well in your life... jgn lupa mak ayah tau!... chiow...
wahhh! dah ada blog!!! good good, i am so not into facebook (as you can tell k.yaya!), blogging is part and parcel of me eversince. it's good to have you guys in here! will be looking forward to photos of the kids (and of course you two!).
congratulations, welcome to blogger!
TQ for the support..I must say My Yaya helped a lot into this. She says its about time for me to share some bits about things in my life to others..so a big kiss for My Wifey!! Just wanted the world to know that I'm here
Sori ur SIL is late in posting a comment. I'm trying to keep sane while trying to read ur blog coz milena keeps asking me to scroll down 2 papa, mak ngah n bambinos. Anyways, congratulations on the long awaited blog. Reading it will be a new daily ritual for us. Ride on bro.....Special request, more pics of ayen pls.....
Love, Kak Shasha, abg zam n the lot.
milena sure kepo giler kan..rindu la lame x jmpe..PSP Na bernyawa lg ke?sian Afi nak main xde charger..kak sha..ur blog 2 plak camne?jadi or not?
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