Just finished cooking for Sahur. Just simple dishes je. I thank my lucky stars that my two heroes, My Adlil and Alief are such easy people to satisfy when it comes to food, very simple. Masak main2 hentam2 pun they'll appreciate it and eat, at least 2 plates, which gives me that wonderful feeling. Just today during buka, Alief said to me "Mama, your noodles are really nice, sedap" and that was just fried dried flat noodles. My mum also agrees that he is more adventurous to try new things when I cook. Because he doesn't do that when other people cook, not even my mum & M-I-L who cook way better than me. He is more appreciative when I cook for the family and that gives a huge sense of satisfaction.
Well, I think this entry is going to be quite lengthy as I am going to talk about the paradigm shifts in my life.
As you all know, we just got back from Beranang. Adlil wants to write about it so I'll leave it to him to do that. He is really busy with the setting up of his new office. Finished painting it and now the renovation works will take place. Tonight he'll be doing the wiring and some electrical stuff before some renovation work due tomorrow. Another thing is that Qyra and I are Baju Raya-less because the tailor screwed up big time on the measurement. She did it so big that practically the whole family can fit into it. I was beyond dissapointed that I couldn't "tiaw" her. So basically now we have to go and shop for baju Raya and the hard bit is that we need to find the same shade of this year's theme colour for the Harfy Bunch. The boys' Baju Melayu is all ready because all of theirs was done by M-I-L. Geram but what to do no choice but to go for the 2nd option, which is to purchase a new baju Raya for Me and Qyra. This year has been a very challenging Ramadhan with a lot of tests bestowed upon me but I am taking it positively, there's hikmah behind it.

My career took a huge turn, I went from high and mighty to ground zero. I made the right choice to go on the road not taken and went through all sorts of 'adventures' and setbacks. Alhamdullilah, Allah showed me the way and now I am doing things that I really enjoy and the best bit is I have more time watching the kids grow. I guess I finally got my priority straight which has very much turned my life around. I learn to just settle for ok rather than constantly aiming for the very best all the time. Wanna know what? Ok is good.
As for friendship, I had a huge knock on my head that I was actually taken for a ride in this friendship that I embarked myself into three years back. I actually found out the hard way that I was just being used to a certain person's convenience or shall I say just like a door mat. For people who knows me, knows for a fact that I am friendly, outgoing, talkative and full of zest. I make friends easily and there was once my late Ayah told me-"I am not worried about you. I put you anywhere in the world, I know that you will be able to make friends in an instance and survive any given situations in life". Unfortunately, as for me I have failed to see that some people are constantly only coming to seek my friendship only to have that sense of belonging and sort of using me as a comforting blanket. I have always had trusting issues when it comes to trusting people with my ultimate friendship. I had so much bad experience with "user friendly" friends that I am more wary. Three years back I did that, I gave a person my loyalty, trust care and friendship. What I got back was ultimate betrayal. I guess my judgement was wrong. What I thought was true friendship was just a friendship of convenience.
The problem with me once I get that sync feeling with someone, I would welcome that someone to my entire world. I had to realize the really hard way that I was just a friend that gave people that sense of comfort and to always catch a friend before they fall. I guess when the need for all that is not needed anymore, you'd be taken for granted, just like a door mat - you need to wipe your feet when its wet and yucky but when you are all clean and dandy, you just walk pass witout noticing it. Sad but true. I really was miserable of the betrayal and went on for days crying, trying to find the answers to this mind-blogging mystery. Thank god Adlil was there to catch me before I fall flat on the ground. Now, I have moved on and left that dishearthening phase. Now, I don't think much of the lost friendship but instead I focus on the people who actually was there for me at that dark period of time.
As for my Adlil, I have to thank him for being there holding my hand, routing for me and believing in my capabilities more than I believed it myself. I know that I am very lucky to have Adlil as my soulmate as he is not just a husband, lover, a great father to my kids, best friend but also my number one fan who would always remind me what I am capable of doing. Sometimes as human being we take things and people we love for granted. I guess I do that too. Maybe I am too pre occupied with issues in my life that I do not take the time to just turn around to notice the things that is happening around me. This year, my relationship with Adlil has reached a mature level of understanding. We have grown more closer than we actually are when we learn to deal with issues rather than sweeping it under the carpet hoping that it will somehow not resurface. Trust me, it will and when it does, it gets shittier. To me, we do that it is not because we do not want to not deal with it but more of tolerating these issues. Even after 11 years of marriage, you will learn something new about your partner everytime. Adlil, thanks for always being there putting up with my shit and always believing in me.. You are just perfect, FOR ME!!
Syukur Alhamdullilah, In 2008, I became wiser!!
Now, I don't think much of the lost friendship but instead I focus on the people who actually was there for me at that dark period of time- i just love tis part..true..true..so true..2 think that a friend who u've shared ur last ten ringgit wit, just shut u off just becz u dun party,don't drink n don't take drugs n starts bitc**ng behind ur back..stupid init?its their lost la sister..not ours..just look at them now..pity and pathetic ppl..so sick of em..kesian,idup pon jd tah hape2..lg in ur case..mkn uit anak yatim 2..haa..da mmg sah2 yg sekor 2 masuk nerake, yg lg satu 2 sndri maw ingt la kan..
anyhow, aku ni da meraban plak..glad tat e'thing is ay-ok..btw,besides ur cooking,aritu abg mkn uncle mate bulat nye sotong masak telur taw..jgn mare!huhu..
babe,aku pon xde bj raye le..kain de 2 aku beli..semua xanta jennifer..btw,wat happend 2 ur tailor 2?kate bgs n cheap..nasib baik aku xanta..kalau x naye jek..
nak lempang muke Bobo pakai bj melayu 2..gewammm!!!!
so true..so true..but then again, what the heck. those people x bring food to our table pun..u pun x rugi kakya..owh,, u left d corporate world! i wish to do d same one fine day..u know what, the world is pushing us for materials..spiritually kita kering..kesian kita kan? but we should bersyukur that Allah SWT bagi petunjuk earlier, than never kan? erm..aku pulak yg mengarut ke ni?? x lah..jes my 2 cents worth of thoughts.. ;p happy writing!
na tolong starlite tuk aku skali. geram gilossss! n aku da berjaya meninggalkan comment!! yahooo!!
HEHEHEHEHEE, Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it. It wasn't easy for me to open up and actually talk about the whole issue that has been daunting me. It felt good. Now I learn to let go and the hell with all these excess bagage huh sist. You know what? When YOU DO NOT HOLD GRUDGES ANYMORE OR DWELL ABOUT IT,its better to just let it go and then there comes that feeling of contentment. Look at me now, I have learnt to deal with it and damn I am so happy!!
Ja, Its hard to adjust at first but now my life is just purrfect. I get to do things that I love to do like teaching, event organizing and writing and all of this plus being with my kids. Tak pe nanti bila Encik ben dah stable, insyallah the time for you to have all of this will come. When it does, don't hold back, just let it go and go with the current.
And Ja, trust me you'll not regret every waking minute after you have decided to do so. Trust me, I know and although I took a long time for self realization, but when I got there, there's no turning back.
HAIL 2 SISTAS POWER!!!aku akan starlite kan utk ko ja..plus backhand skali..waakakaka..nk skt ati n menci mcm org 2 pon xgune..buang karen..org gile malas aku nk layan..i am who i am..i wun ever change 4 ppl..accept me as it is..watpe nk amek ati org mcm ni but in d end its eating u inside out..xpyah..wat skt ati..kalau kite kwn sincere ngn org,insyallah Allah tlg kite..but then again..im so lucky 2 have sistas like u,kak sha n of cz my beloved liza who will alwiz be there 2 b my shoulder 2 cry on..!!!love u guys so strong..ouch!!
yaya, kau nak buat aku doormat pun aku rela babe. we have come a long long way,you-era-iza especially,we must have been sisters in the previous life. i got your back okay?
kak intan ke 2?
yg nyanyi paling sedap lagu ikhlas tp jauh..i still rmber...
lamenye x jmpe u..
byk nye blog u kak intan...!!
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